Our son, Avraham, was seen by eight different speech therapists between the age of 18 months and five years. Unfortunately, none of them were able to help us understand the underlying cause of his unintelligible speech. Avraham was seen by an ENT and a craniofacial team, who completely misdiagnosed him. He was not making significant progress, and we were extremely frustrated. We felt lost!
When we were referred to Dr. D’Antonio, that all changed! She quickly identified that the probable cause for his speech problem, was Velopharyngeal Incompetence and many speech patterns that had developed to compensate for this problem. We were no longer lost, she took us under her wing. She did not rest as she tirelessly arranged the best care for him.
Now, thank God Avraham is making terrific progress. He works hard but he enjoys it all! Dr. D’Antonio prepares each lesson especially tailored for him, down to the smallest detail! He so looks forward, that one day, when we did not have an appointment, he wanted me to call and make an appointment for that day!
We are so blessed to have found Dr. D’Antonio. We feel confident that with Dr D’Antonio’s expertise Avraham will master intelligible speech. Every child deserves to get the best care. Dr. D’Antonio is the expert that a child with speech issues deserves.